Oh totally agree. And what was that submerged in a ball of water crap he pulled last year?
You'd be so proud of me. Yesterday I finally found a wax place here in my southern, conservative city that does Brazilians. I only got my eyebrows done, but it's a step :D
P.S. I lost your email address. Can you email me? My face broke out into horrible acne from waxing. :( I can't NOT wax and I love the product you recommended!
I actually give them to expecting mothers at baby showers. Dead serious. It's like, my standard baby shower gift: a plush microbe, a cupcake, and a check.
Round of applause.
His street magic was cool but now he's turned into a media junkie!
Oh Rassles that is great, whoever thought they'd want the clap? Can I get these for my kids,? Honey, your woobie was actually a std microbe,fantastic.
Maybe it's because I have a hard time suspending disbeleif Woody, but he's always kind of struck me as a poseur.
Oh totally agree. And what was that submerged in a ball of water crap he pulled last year?
You'd be so proud of me. Yesterday I finally found a wax place here in my southern, conservative city that does Brazilians. I only got my eyebrows done, but it's a step :D
He bores me.
P.S. I lost your email address. Can you email me? My face broke out into horrible acne from waxing. :( I can't NOT wax and I love the product you recommended!
I actually give them to expecting mothers at baby showers. Dead serious. It's like, my standard baby shower gift: a plush microbe, a cupcake, and a check.
He creeps me out, big time.
He might be able to hang upside down but I bet he can't conjure himself up a real live girlfiend.