Daddy Done Good

I know it will probably take you a week or more to read this but you know that whole Mother's Day? Yeah you did really good. See I realize this in part because I orchestrate Father's Day and at least at this age, Mom and Dad generally have to pull the whole thing together.

I loved that you recognized how much satisfaction the garden is giving me and got me the solar lights so that at night after dinner when you are sprawled among the children watching an episode of Star Trek or the Your Baby Can Read videos(that I bought off of Ebay and think are pirated but the baby really likes them) I can go sit outside by myself and take in the smells of fresh dirt, gardenias, jasmine, freesia, orange blossom and cypress or sit on the swing filling my mom in on the kid's latest escapades.

I love my new trees. This Wisconsin girl never dreamed of a yard where I could pick a lemon off a tree for my diet coke or tell the kids if they want a snack to go outside and get an orange. I pined for the Cara Cara orange tree with it's sweet pink fruit, my variegated lemon tree the perfect compliment to the Meyer Lemon I already have and the tangerine. Unlike chocolates or even flowers, I will think of you every time I pick lemons off the tree to make lemonade or peel a tangerine while I walk barefoot through the grass with the bebe or bring a basket of extra fruit to a friend.

I adore my tomato trellises, I cherish my tongue depressor garden signs and crafted kid gifts and yes even though we tease about appliances doubling as gifts I love my new coffee maker. Breakfast was wonderful but of course you grace me with breakfast and coffee nearly every morning. Don't ever think that I don't know how spoiled I am.

You did good Daddy. Which is why I insisted you and the boy go see Star Trek yes on Mother's Day. Thanks for such a great Mother's Day and tell James T. Kirk I say hi.

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Mongolian Girl said... May 10, 2009 at 10:19 PM  

Daddy DID done good! Wow. Very nice & happy Mother's Day!
Oh, and tell Cap'n Kirk hi for me as well. He was hot in the 70's.

SSG said... May 11, 2009 at 12:47 AM  

ooh I love the lemon tree. Sadly it is too cold here to grow them. And a happy mothers day, I think TeamFF rocks.

I'm Nate's Mom said... May 11, 2009 at 5:22 AM  

Lucky you. My husband is dying for a lime tree for his gin and tonics. Don't know how well they do here in new England, though.

cozzie laura said... May 11, 2009 at 10:23 AM  

I have garden envy. I water daily and can't keep my plants from burning, plus, we just don't get fun plants like varigated lemons!

Laura said... May 11, 2009 at 9:33 PM  

I love gardens-- I used to have one, and after seeing your lemon tree, I know I need to start another!
More garden photos please.

A Free Man said... May 11, 2009 at 10:01 PM  

Hey, Happy belated Mother's Day. I did good this year as well.

Gypsy said... May 12, 2009 at 8:39 AM  

Aww. Love.

well read hostess said... May 12, 2009 at 10:49 AM  

My grandmother had a meyer lemon tree outside of her kitchen window. That smell instantly takes me back to 1975 and the smell of breakfast cooking, coffee brewing, and her first cigarette of the day.

Oh well..MOST of it smelled great!

Anonymous said... May 12, 2009 at 1:37 PM  

My wife spent the entire day mulling around in her various gardens and flower plots. It was fun to know she had the chance . . .

Happy Mother's Day! Even if it is Tuesday. Isn't every day Mother's Day . . .

The Homesteading Hussy said... May 14, 2009 at 11:17 AM  

I so love your site...I found you through the WRH. I've spent the day reading your old posts, despite having three children interrupting my reading! Bastards. I'm just starting to get into the blogging maybe we can be friends, even if I have an old growth forest for a bush and eyebrows that would give you nightmares. Thanks for sharing! The Hussy

Blues said... May 16, 2009 at 10:52 AM  

I really miss the citrus trees in AZ. Oh sure, Sevilla streets are lined with Orange trees, but the oranges are foul. Nothing like picking grapefruit for breakfast or fresh squeezed O.J.

Happy belated Mothers Day. Lucky indeed.

Arizaphale said... May 22, 2009 at 6:19 PM  

*sigh* I want a lemon tree now.

Blues said... May 26, 2009 at 12:00 PM  

miss your posts. Just so ya know.

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